On PC, Elite Dangerous was one of the first truly massive space sims to offer VR support, letting users with SteamVR headsets pilot space ships through the game’s open-universe sandbox to fight, trade, cooperate, and mine. It was a great first ‘wow’ moment, and still is for anyone with a PC VR headset looking for immersion. It’s been free on all platforms since late October, representing a load of previously-paid content now baked into the base game.

excellent Star Citizen Facebook communities, provided free beta access and they have. This also includes one of the game’s biggest DLC packs, Horizons, which in 2015 brought to the space-faring simulator the ability to land and drive on the surface of planets, craft weapons, and participate in multicrew action. Discord for help if Im around, or leave a message in help channel. You can add it to your wishlist by clicking the heart symbol on the game’s store page. Original Article (November 13th, 2020): Starting on Thursday, November 19th and going until the 26th, you’ll be able to download and keep Elite Dangerous for free. If you’re not at home, you can always claim it on the Epic Games Store website, sign into your account, and download later. It’s bound to go live any moment now, so make sure to update your Store launcher. Update (November 19th, 2020): Starting today, for the next week you’ll be able to grab and keep Elite Dangerous for free, which includes VR support for all SteamVR headsets. Frontier Developments’ VR-compatible space sim Elite Dangerous (2014) is going free on the Epic Games Store this week.